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Combat Archery vs Paintball

Lately people have been searching for alternatives to classic team sports like basketball, football, and baseball. More and more people are looking for team-oriented games full of different strategies and interesting equipment. With its cutting-edge technology, cool arenas, and trendy look, paintball has been the king of this niche for a long time. Not anymore. There are plenty of reasons why combat archery is vastly superior, and when you see combat archery vs paintball compared side by side, it is clear that a new sheriff is in town.

Same intensity, if not greater

Both of these games are fun, intense team games where two opposing squads go toe to toe to see who will be king of the arena. People like them for the competition, exercise, and strategy. Both games are high intensity, but combat archery is on average going to be more intense. This is due to the nature of the game. In combat archery, people are going to be less wary of getting hit by a projectile, and therefore will be more aggressive. Not only that, but we offer many formats of the game that are more intense than the normal team format. You can bet that your adrenaline will be pumping.

Same level of strategy and competition

Not only do we like seeing people give it all that they’ve got to get the win, but we can’t help but respect and admire groups of people competing against each other and using strategy to win the game. So it is only natural that we love a game that is full of interesting techniques, tricks, and strategies. Both paintball and combat archery are full of these. Not only is it cheaper to play, and easier to set up, but you get the same benefits when it comes to both strategy and competition.

The best part: No pain. No mess.

The real kicker is that combat archery doesn’t have any of the mess or pain that paintball does. Getting hit with a foam-tipped arrow is virtually painless, getting whacked with a whizzing ball of paint is a wallop. We promise that you won’t leave with any welts or serious injuries from the game. On top of that, there is no mess like in paintball. As the name suggests, you will in fact be covered in gallons of paint when you are done playing. You won’t get any of that with us.

If you are looking for a great team game with lots of techniques, intensity, and strategy, then you need look no further. When compared to the traditional leader of this niche, paintball, it is clear that our combat archery has many advantages. Come down and see for yourself just how much better it is to have all the fun without the pain and mess.

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Open Letter Regarding Archery Tag

Hello everyone,

Samson here, cofounder from Archers Arena just to clarify a few things regarding our revoked Archery Tag license. The issues between us and Archery Tag Headquarters stemmed from our refusal take down our sniper towers, the types of bunkers we have and the 18 game modes we play. We have not been operating with the “original old fashioned” way of playing “Archery Tag” as stated in the manual so they revoked our license. ( Archery Tag essentially picks and chooses whatever rules they like for whomever they like, other operators do not follow the rules but yet they still remain on the map)

When we first became a licensee, all headquarters wanted was money, they didn't have a process of signing licensees as they gave it up to anyone that offered them money (hence there is Arrow Storm 3 minutes away from us). We signed the  agreement that briefly mentions to follow archery tag rules of play but did not include the details. The details were actually included in the manual that would be forced onto us after we paid for the gear, the manual is within the back office that is only provided after you sign the agreement + paid for your gear. They provide 0 marketing support, force us to operate as a franchise, when they operate outside of franchising law and ask us to provide the exact same archery experience as every other location. If we knew we would have our creativity limited, we would not have become a licensee with Archery Tag AKA DeersSpace LLC.

As for gear, many of the bows that archery tag provides are the white bows you see in the pictures. They are also the same ones Archery District, Terminal, Battle, The Archery Game use. They however are VERY bad bows as with the amount of customers we have, the limbs break within 1 month of use. We have since then sourced the Bear Titan Bows which were also the bows Archery Tag provided all the operators when they had a massive recall internationally. They are excellent and indestructible and as a fellow operator I strongly recommend others refrain from purchasing the crappy overpriced faulty bows.

As for all the haters, it’s okay, our fans will speak for us, they will speak for our staff, our service, our game modes, our arena and the passion we have for the game. (Read the reviews) 

Archers Arena

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Combat Archery is Exploding in Popularity – and Getting Competitive

Combat Archery is quickly becoming popular not just here in Canada, but across the world. What started as a niche sport is now exploding internationally. With people taking part in games at licensed facilities, participating in tournaments or even playing at their universities, the game shows no signs of slowing down and is becoming more competitive.

While you might consider Combat Archery for a fun outing with friends on a weekend, there are tons of people who take it really seriously. Partly because of the exercise, partly because of the strategy, and partly because of the fun, this game that combines three sports in one is here to stay.

All around the world

According to recent statistics, Combat Archery has over 350 licensed companies providing the game in over 30 different countries. This means that it is now possible to enjoy the game around the globe. Regional leagues are popping up around North America, and even New Zealand has one in the works.

Its advantages

A lot of people like the game because it has a lot of advantages over others like paintball. First, the equipment isn’t nearly as expensive, and it isn’t nearly as difficult to get a full game going. Just show up and we provide you everything that you need. Also, there is no mess to be made from paint flying everywhere, and being hit with a foam arrow doesn’t sting like being whacked with a flying ball of paint.

Three sports in one

People also love the fact that the game is so comprehensive. You get all of the running that you would get from dodgeball plus all of the strategy and team play of paintball without the high cost, mess, or pain; and you get the accuracy test of traditional archery. It’s hard to beat a game that has so many different dimensions. No wonder it is exploding around the world.

The combination of skill, strategy, competition, and exercise has attracted tons of people from across the globe to participate in this game. Its spread around the world only further proves our point. Contact us today and get ready to enjoy a fun game of combat archery right here in Toronto.

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Indoor Combat Archery: Great Fun and a Great Workout

More and more people in the Toronto area are catching on to just how awesome a game of indoor Combat Archery can be. A team-based game that is highly competitive, our Combat Archery game is basically paintball on steroids. The court is 8000 sq. feet, and throughout your session, you have to cover a lot of ground to ensure that your team gets the win. This means a lot of a fun, and a lot of sweat. All of the action will boost your adrenaline and get your heart rate going.

How does the game work?

The session lasts for 90 minutes. The first 30 are spent briefing you on the rules of the game and getting in some target training. Pulling back and firing that bow over and over again will already start to get your heart rate up. From there you get 60 minutes of game time. Your goal is to destroy your opponents (in a fun way). You need to score more points than them, or eliminate more players or enemy targets within a set amount of time. You can play 10 vs 10 or in larger groups.

What kind of equipment do you get?

Everyone is equipped with a bow, and completely safe, foam-tipped arrows to shoot at the other team with. You also get a protective mesh mask and arm guards. We take safety seriously here, and even though we want you to destroy the other team, we want it to be done as safely as possible.

Get your adrenaline pumping!

Whether you’re on a single court, or on our double court for larger groups, the game is going to get really intense. You will have to run around, dodge arrows, hide under obstacles, find snipers nests, and outwork and outhustle the enemy team in order to survive. Sit still and you won’t last long.

Other than the brief pauses to start a new game, you will be running without a break for 60 minutes. This is high-intensity interval cardio training that also makes use of your senses and ability to strategize - hard to beat that when it’s all rolled into one.

Our arena has been gaining popularity in Toronto because it offers great fun to go along with a great workout. If you are looking to get some tough exercise while having a lot of fun, there is no better place than our indoor Combat Archery arena.

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