Team Building For Your Business Is More Important Now Than Ever

It’s a strange time for business owners and employees alike.  Many more people are working from home due to COVID-19.  Everyone is adjusting to this in their own way, but the fact of the matter is that this kind of isolation and upheaval from the norm has caused many people stress, anxiety, and even depression.  These aren’t easy times by any means, and I think we all know that.

Team Building Can Help

This is why we want to make the case that team building for your business is more important now than ever.  It really is.  Those zoom meetings and digital cocktail hours are fine, but they don’t have the true human to human connection that we all crave.  Even more, if your employees or coworkers are in the customer service industry and are currently “essential” workers, they’re probably having a hard time too.  Many people are on edge and sadly, our amazing hospitality service staff and heroic front line workers sometimes take the brunt of it.  It’s time you have some good safe fun as a team, and build morale while pelting each other with foam arrows in an epic game of Combat Archery.

Not the solution you were expecting? 

Hear us out.  Combat Archery is the perfect socially distanced sport.  Staying 6 feet away from each other is not a problem at all in our spacious 10,000 square foot facility. You can launch marshmallow tipped foam arrows across the large court from your personal bubble. Plus, if someone gets too close for your liking, you’re holding a bow, and arrows are everywhere. Before COVID, we were used to hosting massive corporate team building events.  We’ve changed things up of course.  Even though the city of Toronto is currently allowing 50 people or less inside indoor businesses, we’re playing it safe and limiting our team building to 24 people for the time being.  That would make 4 teams, on 2 courts, with 6 people per team.  Combat Archery is essentially dodgeball with bows and foam tip arrows.  It’s exciting, a great workout, and lots of fun for people of all ages and skill sets.

Team Building At It’s Finest

Combat Archery is a perfect way to team build, and let off some steam while you do it.  With dozens of game modes led by our expert coaches, your teams will have to work together to come out on top.  While it’ll 100% be a joy for those with a competitive side, we also harness the community aspect of gaming, and make sure everyone feels included, safe, and gets something from their time in the arena.  Just stepping outside one’s comfort zone with your co-workers in a place like Archers Arena and can help build confidence, camaraderie, and spirit.   

We Keep Things Safe And Clean

If you’re at all worried about safety, we’ve been keeping things clean and safe since day 1 due to constantly hosting large group events.  We’ve always sterilized and deodorized all equipment between use. Now, post COVID, we’ve even added UVC lights to the mix to take things even further.   We love hosting team building events, and even though our group limit has gone down, we promise the same high energy, rewarding and exciting experience we’ve always given. Keep aiming!

—Team Archers Arena

If you’re interested, reach out to us at or call (647) 992-7362 to book your team a spot today!  ($35.00 per person, includes 30 minutes of training and 1 hour on the court. After that, you can add on an extra hour of gameplay for only $10.00 per person.)

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Toronto Has Gone Back To A Modified Stage 2 And We Are Limiting Our Services


Keeping Things Safe And Clean In The Times Of COVID-19