How to keep your kids entertained during 2020 March Break – The Real Deal

The March break is already here and unless you work-from-home or your entire family plans to go out on a vacation, kids are going to be home. And we agree with you that keeping kids entertained isn’t quite easy.

But, guess what?

We love kids. Here is a video from the March Break Camp 2019

March Break: March 11th-15th, 2019 Bring your kids in where they'll engage in fun activities to keep them occupied and happy for the day from 10am-4pm Call i...


A parent that chooses to remain anonymous says she wants her child to get away from the mobile phones and iPads and to have some old-school playground fun.

With our safe facility, expert coaches and fun-game modes, the kids DO NOT GET BORED and have all the fun running around our 10,000 sq. ft. arena. So when your kids reach back home, they’ll have a sound goodnight sleep too.

Well this February being a leap year, you have an extra day to make-up your mind. We have special offers going on, so you hurry up and book now.

With March knocking at the door, we had to bring our very sough-after kid’s camp. Seriously, kids love it. For kids ranging from 7 to 15-year old, our almost legendary camp puts together a day full of exciting and fun activities including Soccer, board games, dodgeball, bubble soccer, LARPing, VR station, Nerf wars and Combat Archery.

Here is what our everyday schedule looks like.


8:30 am Drop-off

9:00 Ice Breaker Games

9:15-10:30 Combat Archery

10:30-11:30 Bubble Soccer

11:30am-1pm: Lunch and Movie 

1pm-2:30 pm: Nerf Wars
2:30pm-3-15pm: Dodgeball, Hide and Seek, Saber Wars

3:00pm Pickup.

Supervised Late pickup $10/hour until 5:00pm, after 5:00pm $1/minute

Combat Archery is like Dodgeball with a bow and arrow, so no ball and yes bow and arrows. It is a team-based activity that helps your child learn social skills and working with a team in a quick-paced environment. So your child learns not only a brand new sport of archery but also life-skills. We have over 9000 game-modes (DragonballZ speak), and are we constantly adding to the list. 

Our game of Bubble Soccer is soccer (or Football -how Joga Bonito is known as worldwide) but with a twist. Players have to get inside a bubble suit and play the game while bumping into each other. For kids it is like becoming a human bumping car themselves without you having to worry about the impact because the bubble absorbs all the impact. We have many game modes such as the bowling, sumo wrestling, tag. If there is a lesson that Bubble Soccer gives us – it is whatever life brings your way and you must always stand your ground.

Nerf Wars involves Nerf guns, foam darts, and simulated warfare. Everyone shoots at each other safely and play war games through different game modes that push different challenges on the players. Key learnings from the game are cooperation and strategy. It's a lot of fun for kids of all ages.


Saber Wars and/or LARPing: Kids engage in mock role-playing games with light-sabers and other props and get to become Jedi Knights, Archers, Rogues, Samurai and Berserker. They choose their weapon class and face-off in a gladiator style game.

How we put it, LARPing is like an acting lesson or visual realization lesson that’s fun for all kids.

Ninja Academy: Circuit training and fitness drills, campers will run through various stations where they will be challenged. This helps kids think on their feet.

Lunch: Pizza for lunch and a drink is included, or you can even bring your own packed lunch. We have a refrigerator and a microwave available.

Table Games: Pool, Ping Pong, Foosball, Board Games: Exploding Kittens, Monopoly duel, Uno, Pandemic, King of Tokyo

Virtual Reality: Play various VR Games available with our HTC Vive.

Movie Screening: Netflix, Disney Plug, Amazon prime and Crave. 


What to Wear:

Wear comfortable gym clothing/athleisure wear.

Bring Extra clothes to change.

Contact lenses instead of Glasses

Clean pair of Running shoes

Optional: your own paintball/airsoft mask, bandanas, long sleeves shirt, your own arm guards, knee pads

What to bring:

Locks for lockers.

Go Pro Cameras for awesome footage


Our March Break Camp is always on the brink of getting sold-out so if you haven’t booked a spot yet, reserve one NOW.

Following are the clickable links for you to follow.

Available Dates: March 16-20th 2020


16th March 2020 MONDAY          CALL US TO JOIN THE WAITLIST
20th March 2020 FRIDAY             ONLY FEW SPOTS LEFT


So, block your child’s calendar from March 16th to March 20th 2020 so you can keep yours open.

If you book for a week, you get a straight 20% off. ($100 savings)

To Book Now, give us a call at 647-7992-7362.




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